Drive to Maasai Mara Game Reserve For Game Drive

Drive to Maasai Mara Game Reserve For Game Drive

Proceed to the world famous Masai Mara game Reserve considered a "must see" for any visitor traveling on safari in Kenya reason being its graced by a wide variety of unique and exquisite wild life and birds. Its home to the richest concentration of wildlife, including the "Big Five"(elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos, and buffalo), zebras, antelope, gnus, Oribis, hyenas, giraffes, warthogs, gazelles, hartebeests, hippos, crocodiles and others. The park has the largest concentration of African lions, including the black-maned lion. Arrive in time for lunch at your budget camp which will be followed by afternoon gamedrive where you will expect to see the above n...


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