Lake Albert

Lake Albert

Lake Albert

Lake Albert, also Mwitanzige and formerly Lake Mobutu Sese Seko, is a lake located in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is one of the African Great Lakes. Lake Albert is Africa's seventh-largest lake, and the world's twenty-seventh largest lake by volume.
  • With an area of about 2,160 square miles (5,600 square km), a length of 100 miles (160 km), and an average width of 22 miles (35 km), Albert is a shallow body of water, averaging about 80 feet (25 m) in depth; its maximum depth is 190 feet (60 m).

  • In the southwest, the Semliki River brings into the lake the waters of Lake Edward, of the Congo Escarpment, and of the rain-soaked Ruwenzori Range, building a large a...


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